Information in accordance with the E-Commerce and Media Act

Company name: Neuwirth Pöppel GmbH

Registered office: Stadiongasse 5/15, 1010 Vienna

Corporate purpose: Operation of an advertising agency


Phone: +43 1 4090594

E-Mail: kontakt(at)

Company registration number: FN 302061 H

Commercial register court: Commercial Court Vienna

Austrian Federal Economic Chamber

EU VAT identification number: ATU 63798518

Authority according to ECG (E-Commerce Act): Municipal District Office MBA 1/8


Managing Directors: Bernhard Neuwirth, Markus Pöppel

Bank details: Waldviertler Sparkasse Bank AG

IBAN: AT74 2027 2083 0026 8821 



All pictures, animations and copy are protected by copyright.

They may only be published with our explicit written permission.

Information in accordance with the E-Commerce and Media Act

Company name: Neuwirth Pöppel GmbH

Registered office: Stadiongasse 5/15, 1010 Vienna

Corporate purpose: Operation of an advertising agency

Phone: +43 1 4090594

E-Mail: kontakt(at)

Company registration number: FN 302061 H

Commercial register court: Commercial Court Vienna

Austrian Federal Economic Chamber

EU VAT identification number: ATU 63798518

Authority according to ECG (E-Commerce Act):
Municipal District Office MBA 1/8

Managing Directors: Bernhard Neuwirth, Markus Pöppel

Bank details: Waldviertler Sparkasse Bank AG

IBAN: AT74 2027 2083 0026 8821 



All pictures, animations and copy are protected by copyright. They may only be published with our explicit written permission.

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